Expand Your Workflows: Choose an industry workflow, and we'll provide a curated list of extensions to enhance and streamline your productivity
Import and Export with Ease: Seamlessly switch between design software, swiftly importing and exporting 3D models and 2D documentation.
Search in SketchUp: Search is a SketchUp Pro tool that helps you to rapidly identify and activate native commands and installed extensions. It was first offered in SketchUp for Web. Instead of wasting time attempting to recall the name of a tool in SketchUp, you can easily find it by typing in the name or a workflow-related question like 'elevation,' 'boolean,' or 'chamfer.'
Lasso Select: You may use the Lasso Select tool to draw custom selection borders without having to rotate the camera. With stylus inputs, you can also construct numerous discrete selections in one click-drag operation and choose items much faster. Lasso also comes with a new default shortcut: Shift + Spacebar.
Layout: LayOut helps you work faster and more efficiently than ever before with Auto-Text updates and Find & Replace.
Stamp Copy: Search is a SketchUp Pro tool that helps you to rapidly identify and activate native commands and installed extensions. It was first offered in SketchUp for Web. Instead of wasting time attempting to recall the name of a tool in SketchUp, you can easily find it by typing in the name or a workflow-related question like 'elevation,' 'boolean,' or 'chamfer.'
Tag Tool: Tag, a new feature that allows you to apply tags to entities or pre-selected entities, will help you organize your model more efficiently. By marking objects directly in the modeling window using the Tag tool, you may speed up model organization, quickly clean out unwanted tags, and increase reporting fidelity by bulk updating the tagging of component instances.
More modeling modifications: We focused on increasing the uniformity of how modeling operated from tool to tool in 2021.1, particularly with our ten core tools. In this release, the Tape Measure, Classifier, Position Texture, and directional inferencing tooltips have a few noticeable tool behavior modifications. In our release notes, you can learn more about these changes.
Viewport-based Auto-Text labels: We're providing new Auto-Text tags that may be selected from the Auto-Text menu in label creation or templated labels, in addition to current labels that pull entity or component attributes from SketchUp viewports in LayOut.
Scene Search: Search is a SketchUp Pro tool that helps you to rapidly identify and activate native commands and installed extensions. It was first offered in SketchUp for Web. Instead of wasting time attempting to recall the name of a tool in SketchUp, you can easily find it by typing in the name or a workflow-related question like 'elevation,' 'boolean,' or 'chamfer.'